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Pikes Peak Laps

Pikes Peak Laps

The Barr trail goes from Maniotu Springs to the summit of Pike’s Peak in 13 miles and 7500 feet of vertical. Round-trip it is a marathon. We planned to do a single round-trip but others planned to do 4 laps and 100 miles. Because it was a very hot day, nobody succeeded in reaching 100 miles of Pike’s Peak laps.

Starting up the Barr Trail in the early morning.

Starting up the Barr Trail in the early morning.

Stopping to gather.

Stopping to gather.

Getting close to the summit.

Getting close to the summit.

The last part of the Barr trail is the steepest.

The last part of the Barr trail is the steepest.

The view from the summit.

The view from the summit.

Staci and Larry starting the run down.

Staci and Larry starting the run down.

Rattlesnake Ramble Race

Rattlesnake Ramble Race

Longs Peak

Longs Peak