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Aspen Four Pass Loop

Aspen Four Pass Loop

The Aspen Four Pass Loop is a stunningly beautiful 27 mile trail run that circumnavigates Maroon Bells. It begins at Maroon Lake and climbs over four passes: Buckskin Pass at 12,500 feet, Trail Rider Pass at 12,420 feet, Frigid Air Pass at 12,415 feet and West Maroon Pass at 12,500 feet. Along the route you get spectacular views of most of the peaks in the Maroon Bells Wilderness area, experience multiple alpine valleys and incredible wildflowers and lakes.

Our friend Mack wanted to run 27 miles on his 27th birthday and he could not have chosen a more-beautiful location. Staci and I, Zoe and Bard joined Mack for his birthday run.

Staci and Zoe wading through fields of wildflowers on the way up to Buckskin pass.

Staci and Zoe wading through fields of wildflowers on the way up to Buckskin pass.

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A panorama of Maroon Bells from the Buckskin Pass trail.

Is she running or taking a picture?  I’m not sure.

Is she running or taking a picture? I’m not sure.

Staci nearing the top of the first pass.

Looking out toward Snowmass and Capitol from Buckskin pass.

Looking out toward Snowmass and Capitol from Buckskin pass.

More flowers on the way to Snowmass Lake.

More flowers on the way to Snowmass Lake.

Creek crossings are so much fun…

Creek crossings are so much fun…

Our annual picture on the Snowmass Lake rock.

Our annual picture on the Snowmass Lake rock.

Snowmass Lake has beautiful blue /  turquoise water.

Snowmass Lake has beautiful blue / turquoise water.

Spectacular flowers everywhere.

Spectacular flowers everywhere.

Bard struggling up Trail Rider pass.

Bard struggling up Trail Rider pass.

Zoe, Bard, Staci, Rich and Mack on top of Trail Rider pass.

Zoe, Bard, Staci, Rich and Mack on top of Trail Rider pass.

More wildflowers on the way down from Trail Rider pass.

More wildflowers on the way down from Trail Rider pass.

The group heading up the third steep pass - Frigid Air.

The group heading up the third steep pass - Frigid Air.

The view to the west from Frigid Air pass.  These are some of the lushest alpine valleys in Colorado.

The view to the west from Frigid Air pass. These are some of the lushest alpine valleys in Colorado.

Staci arriving that the final pass - West Maroon - with a big smile because the 7700 feet of climbing is over.

Staci arriving that the final pass - West Maroon - with a big smile because the 7700 feet of climbing is over.

Zoe (the youngest person in the group) was done.  Unfortunately we had 7 miles left.

Zoe (the youngest person in the group) was done. Unfortunately we had 7 miles left.

Heading down West Maroon pass toward Crater Lake.

We were both happy to be finished.

We were both happy to be finished.

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