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Surfside Beach Texas Marathon

Surfside Beach Texas Marathon

We traveled to Surfside Beach Texas in February to run the Surfside Beach marathon. While running on the beach doesn’t sound fun, this was really enjoyable because it was flat and wide with hard sand.

We rented an Airbnb right on the beach, walking distance to the start.

The beach at Surfside is quite nice but the town is near a large industrial area.

Staci standing on the marathon course.

Our rental had a boardwalk that went from our patio out to the beach.

The marathon start/finish area.

Rich & Staci finishing together. It was a small marathon and we had a very good day - winning the race.

Total Eclipse Airstream Rally

Total Eclipse Airstream Rally

Catalina Island 50K Ultramarathon

Catalina Island 50K Ultramarathon