
Welcome to Rich & Staci’s travel Blog for friends and family.

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Cirque of the Towers Trail Run

Cirque of the Towers Trail Run

The Wind Rivers are a remote mountain range south of the Tetons in Wyoming. Because much of it is surrounded by Indian reservation, it is difficult to access. We planned to do a 27 mile trail run that circumnavigates Cirque of the Towers - a spectacular series of Granite spires and walls. This was probably one of the more epic days in a long time.

Staci and Megan getting lunch ready during a rest stop on the drive.

Staci and Megan getting lunch ready during a rest stop on the drive.

Starting out on the Big Sandy trail on what we thought was going to be a beautiful day.

Starting out on the Big Sandy trail on what we thought was going to be a beautiful day.

Posing at Big Sandy Lake.

Posing at Big Sandy Lake.

Crossing Jackass Pass with good weather.

Crossing Jackass Pass with good weather.

Jed taking a photo of the Cirque.

Jed taking a photo of the Cirque.

By Texas pass we were in a blizzard and just trying to survive.  There are no more pictures at this point because my phone was frozen and it was no longer fun.

By Texas pass we were in a blizzard and just trying to survive. There are no more pictures at this point because my phone was frozen and it was no longer fun.

Hallowed Hundred 2020

Hallowed Hundred 2020

Rattlesnake Ramble Race

Rattlesnake Ramble Race