Cirque of the Towers Trail Run
The Wind Rivers are a remote mountain range south of the Tetons in Wyoming. Because much of it is surrounded by Indian reservation, it is difficult to access. We planned to do a 27 mile trail run that circumnavigates Cirque of the Towers - a spectacular series of Granite spires and walls. This was probably one of the more epic days in a long time.
Staci and Megan getting lunch ready during a rest stop on the drive.
Starting out on the Big Sandy trail on what we thought was going to be a beautiful day.
Posing at Big Sandy Lake.
Crossing Jackass Pass with good weather.
Jed taking a photo of the Cirque.
By Texas pass we were in a blizzard and just trying to survive. There are no more pictures at this point because my phone was frozen and it was no longer fun.